Friday, July 1, 2005

Chapter 5 - The Demonskar Legacy

The merchants of Cauldron organize a demonstration before the City Hall to protest against the recent abuses of the authorities, who have raised taxes and strengthened the city wall with half-orc mercenaries. During the demonstration, Maavu speaks out against the city government, revealing that the protector of the Temple of St. Cuthbert, Alek Tercival, has challenged the captain of the town guard, who is in part responsible for the recent abuse, to a legal duel. When a patrol of the town guard comes to arrest Maavu, a riot erupts. During the riot, a breathdrinker summoned by the Cagewrights attempts to kill Maavu, and the PCs must save him to gain useful information about the Chisel.

Following Maavu's directions, the PCs travel to Redgorge and meet the high handcrafters of the Chisel. Alek Tercival was also invited to the meeting, but the paladin fails to show up. The chief of the Chisel believes that the paladin knows something of decisive importance and wants the PCs to find him. To find Alek Tercival, the heroes must use the information gathered thus far, and follow a very old map found in an antique shop. When they finally track Alek to Vaprak's Voice, they encounter the covey of half-fey hags who have been manipulating the paladin. After defeating the hags, the PCs navigate through the Starry Mirror to free Alek Tercival from a deadly trap. At the end, the PCs must battle the terrible creature that has schemed to turn the paladin into a pawn of chaos, Nabthatoron the glabrezu himself.

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